SO - - I removed the lid about a week ago and soaked it in water for a couple of days. The laminated pieces fell apart as well as the joined Poplar core (I think, it has a lot of green grain). The core, about 3/8 of an inch thick was 4 pieces. Each was clamped between 3/4 oak plywood and dried in our wood kiln (Sue's kitchen oven) at 250 deg for several hrs. and then remained clamped for several more days. The other laminations were also preserved for reuse.
Here is the problem. What looks like a rather thick veneer of Poplar (also) ran at 90 deg to the core but only on the lower side. No reciprocal piece was incorporated on the top side, only a mahogany veneer who's grain ran the same direction as the core. Even though the layers were clamped and dried this veneer was swelled on one dimension, shrunk in the other and began to crimp (shrink) only in the center immediately upon being freed from the clamps. In it's former application it was certainly exerting considerable force on the core and there was nothing on the other side to counteract.
A lot of work to preserve as much of the original lid as possible. And with any luck it will remain flat.
What do you think?
Any other warped 110 lids out there?