It seems that nature, or something, brought together a group of fanatics in Southern Oregon. radio restorers/collectors like me, two of the TCA officers, a specialist in broadcast history and a few other affected individuals all in this rather remote part of the country. And we would go just about anywhere to see one of the greatest - no, probably THE GREATEST collection of Scott receivers anywhere. Not to mention all flavors of McMurdo, Federal, McIntosh and so many other great examples of tube-type history..
Where, you ask, is this slice of nirvana. Well, it is only about 2.5 hours south at Norman Braithwaite's place in Redding CA.
Norman Has a great shop. It rates about a 10 for - in order of importance for (!) room for radio displays (2) Room for more radio displays (3) Bench areas and cool test equipment (4) Parts and tubes and (5) Lots of cool projects. OH, and he has a nice house too, with MORE neat radios!
At this point I should mention that Norman has not only preserved these exceedingly rare radios but has also gathered the history of each one in great (astounding) detail. I am hoping that Norman will come along and add some descriptions in the comments section but, for now, you can find so much more about E. H. Scott, more pictures from his collection and others and even some of the history of these radios, here:
Did I mention cool test equipment?
Below: About the most elaborate, over-built, volt meter I have ever seen. I WANT ONE!