The Grunow's tone control has 6 positions, or 2 sets of low, medium and high tone. The difference between the normal and "Dial" settings is the activation of the AFC allowing aproximate tuning using the Teledial which then is automaticly adjusted to a medium to strong pre-set station. Again, as a compairison to the Philco which works for strong stations.
I would say that this cabinet design was lacking in some aspects. Support and alignment of the curved sides seemed to be a problem. As found, very few of the blocks used to secure the sides to the base and radio shelf were still attached and even when they are there are large gaps making the glue joints less than ideal.
The curved veneers and backing have no trim on the front edges which exposes the veneer edge to likely damage/pealing. Also this design places a lot of stress on the curved wood its self and without better attachment the edge that meets the front pannel (where the teledial/knobs are) tends to open up allowing for a visable crack. I took a lot of time to squar-up the cabinet to reduce the impact of these deficiancies.
I was able to reuse the original grill cloth.
I would reccomend removing the chassis prior to moving this radio unless care in handling can be assured.
Unfortunatly some of the paper caps had already been changed out in a previous service. So I will be looking for original replacements to re-stuff. I also had to replace the output transformer since one-half of the primary was open.
As I tuned the presets I orientated the buttons with stations assigned to appear level when at the 180 deg position. Unasigned buttons are at random positions relative to the dial. They can be manipulated but only after removing the dial cover (6 screws). The station labels are not accurate, rather the ones that came with the set.
On the right we have the band selector: F=Foreign, B=Broadcast, P=Police.
On the left is a combo-function control: STD=No AFC with either Low, Medium or High tone control.
Dial=AFC On with either Low, Medium or High tone control.