This radio--one of the first commercially produced models--Russ and I had the good luck to find on a treasure hunt in Idaho. No doubt an astounding find, but the serendipity that occurred proved nearly as interesting
Just prior to leaving on our trip, a friend had posted a photo on Facebook of a family gathered around an old radio listening to it. I thought, gee that's a neat portrait of the togetherness that the early electronics created. Grandma, Mom and the grandkids gathered about the new-fangled device, enjoying it together. Note: Russ pointed out if they had a speaker, the boy wouldn't need to be wearing headphones. |
Several days after returning home, the print arrived. As I looked at it, I noticed the radio looked familiar. It was a 1921 Westinghouse RC--the same radio we found on the trip! How about that?
Have you had any interesting experiences such as this? Please send them along on the Comments Form. I'd love to share them.
Till next time,
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